It's been a fruit and vegetable month, and my hero nutritionist colleague, Ellyn Satter may have met her match in my youngest son! As many of you know, one of my favorite books is titled How To Get Your Kid To Eat, But Not Too Much; and as a pediatrician I recommend it all the time.
Now I'm reading Ellyn Satter's book again as a mother!
My youngest son has declared an all out strike on fruits and vegetables, and he is testing the patience of our family! The Satter Philosophy, is an approach to feeding children that divides responsibility for good nutrition. It's the parent's job is to put healthy nutritious things in front of our children, and the child's job is to choose what and how much to eat.
Remembering Paul Harvey, who died recently, I should tell you "the rest of the story." The real reason I chose this 'mom story' to write about in the DrDownload was so that you would know you're not alone in raising picky eaters. Even the pediatrician's child has a tough time with healthy stuff, and being a Dr. Mom makes it especially challenging. I also wanted to share the turning point in our story highlighting the value of perseverance. Last Friday night, my lessons on fruits and vegetables got a little boost.
We all found ourselves around the television rediscovering a box of forgotten Veggie Tales videos. What a ‘MOM Moment' to watch my family share something that entertained everyone equally. VeggieTales. If you have never heard of these guys, you owe yourself the next few minutes and a peek. Values, humor, lessons in living. "Broccoli, celery, gotta be... Veggie Tales."
Reviewed by Gayle Schrier Smith, MD and her Partners in Pediatrics