New Year’s and Dean Ornish, MD

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So it’s January, mid month and the New Year’s resolutions are a distant memory…unless you live in my home where four constant reminders of why I care about good health are all underfoot.

One of my children reminds me that “you don’t need to wait until the New Year to change something that needs changing about yourself.” This, from the son who thinks changing underwear is an option every week or so.

I do care about our family’s health because it’s part of my job as a mother. If I take care to focus on my own health, I am parenting by example. In October, I heard a colleague, Dean Ornish, MD give a talk entitled “Healing and Other Natural Wonders.” In it, he offered some of the inspiration for my New Year’s resolutions.

I would be delighted if you could set aside about fifteen minutes to hear his thoughts (video clip). Dr. Ornish is the founder of the Preventative Medicine Research Institute and a gifted speaker.

“What motivates people…?” he asks. The children in my life, both yours and the ones who live under foot, are my motivation. Write to me and share your ideas.


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